Take Action For Early Intervention

Our Babies Can't Wait!

Illinois' Early Intervention (EI) program provides critical services to children under age 3 who have or are at risk for significant developmental delays and disabilities. This February, Governor JB Pritzker’s budget proposal included only $6 million in increased funds in FY25 for EI. However, this is not nearly enough to ensure equitable access to the life-changing developmental services and supports that EI provides.

Thousands of families are still waiting for the EI services to which they are legally entitled. Service delays are tied directly to the program’s ongoing workforce crisis. Despite the long-overdue funding increase this fiscal year, EI providers continue to leave the program because the math doesn’t add up. Last year’s Smart Start investment in EI was only the first step.

Join Raising Illinois in calling for the General Assembly to approve a $40 million increase for Early Intervention in the final FY25 state budget. Share your EI story with legislators, take action if your family is waiting for services, learn more ways to advocate and read about our EI crisis in the news. Our babies can't wait.

Hear Firsthand the Struggles Faced by EI Providers and Families

Watch the full video below:

More Ways to Advocate for Early Intervention

Check out more ways to advocate for increased funding for Early Intervention in the final FY25 state budget!

Resources for Families

Are you waiting for EI services to begin? Find helpful resources below:

Share Your Story

Let your legislators know the impact Early Intervention has had on your family!

By filling out the form below, you consent to allow Raising Illinois the use of any photos submitted on the Raising Illinois website, Raising Illinois social media channels, and in our Spring 2024 advocacy efforts with legislators; and to be added to the Raising Illinois mailing list.

Are you currently on a waiting list for some or all of your EI services?/¿Está usted actualmente en una lista de espera para servicios de EI?
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Our Priority: Optimized Early Intervention

Across Illinois, there is a clear lack of awareness of Early Intervention (EI) services available to families and the criteria for who can access these services, even among early childhood and health care providers. Raising Illinois is committed to ensuring equitable access to EI services and supports that can make a lifelong difference.

Smiling baby with sippy cup

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