Thank You for Being a Part of Raising Illinois!

Now what? Use our "Social Toolkit for Impact" to let your networks know about the work happening in Illinois on behalf of infants, toddlers and families.

Thank you for committing to be a supporter of Raising Illinois! By joining our effort, you’ll help to reduce the root causes of disparities and help build the strongest foundation for young children’s future success in school and life. Together, we can make Illinois a place for families with infants and toddlers to thrive.

Use our Social Toolkit for Impact to help spread the word about Raising IllinoisIn it you will find:

  • Talking points
  • Data points
  • Palm card that can be printed and provided to others (also linked below)
  • Social copy you can customize and share on your
    platforms with your community. Be sure to use #RaisingIllinois and/or #ILPN3 in your posts!
  • Graphics (also linked below)
  • Website language that can be provided to your organization's marketing and displayed on your site to amplify your role with Raising Illinois
  • Email template that can be used in newsletters, stand-alone emails, etc.

Thank you advance for sharing out this important work and inviting others to join!

To download below graphics, right click image > click "Save image as."

Graphics for Twitter & Instagram (Size = 1080 x 1080 px)

Graphics for Facebook & LinkedIn (Size = 1200 x 675 px)


Palm Card